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The Concept of Minimum Viable Product for Marketing

Minimum Viable Product

What’s great about marketing is that it’s the aspect of business where the brand can come alive. It allows you to step out of your logo and storefront and put out beautiful designs and graphics that make your brand start to feel tangible. Companies like Coca Cola, Google and Apple are great example of companies who […]

Teach Something

Recently I’ve been learning kickboxing with a new training center. I’ve really enjoyed my time, especially when it comes to learning the techniques of fighting. One day after one of the sessions, I asked the head trainer if he would take a minute to help me with my footwork and the finer details of kickboxing. […]

Marketing, Like Business, is About Who You Know

The deeper I get into marketing, the more I realize how little power a brand and marketer really has. The reason being that at the end of the day, you can have all the best graphics, product benefits and greatest advertising campaign. But if there is no one to receive it or to help spread […]

What is Content Marketing? And Why Should I Do It?

What is Content and Why is it Such a Big Deal? You ever heard the term, “Content is King”? Yeah I have too and just like you, I also hate hearing it. It is one of the most overused terms used in the business and marketing world right now. It is being used for the […]

SnoopaVision: April Fools from YouTube

Today is the day I hate. Where everything is a lie. Things I read on social media reach a level of absurdity that somehow makes you want to go back to the normal weird level of Facebook. On a day like this, where people are scheming to make jokes, your darn sure that some really […]

Marketing Spotlight: WatchMojo

Today’s spotlight is a YouTube channel that I’ve been watching for about five years now. They do a great job with their content and till this day I’m still really impressed how they have made a business out of their videos. The channel is called WatchMojo and it is often what I find myself wasting […]

Good Content is Like Having a Good Personality

Yesterday I participated in 2 Twitter chats. To be specific they were #viralchat and #mediachat. While in these chats, we discussed the topic of content and influencer outreach. A question came up about how important content was to building a following. I replied with the following tweet and got a pretty good response from the other […]

Call it a Resolution Or Don’t. It Doesn’t Matter

“A war is being fought right now and the good guys are losing. That war is the internet and we’re all equal players.” The internet provides all of us a safe haven for hopefuls and dreamers to finally act on achieving success that was otherwise un-accessible to people who wanted to make it big. So really, […]

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