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If You Practice Good SEO, You Shouldn’t Worry About Updates

The Distrust of Search Engine Optimization While starting the agency, I’ve been in my fair share of meetings. My central tenant in these meetings is Search Engine Optimization. It’s what we specialize in and the focus of all our marketing campaigns. SEO doesn’t get the cool kid attention that Social Media does, though. Many business […]

The Concept of Minimum Viable Product for Marketing

Minimum Viable Product

What’s great about marketing is that it’s the aspect of business where the brand can come alive. It allows you to step out of your logo and storefront and put out beautiful designs and graphics that make your brand start to feel tangible. Companies like Coca Cola, Google and Apple are great example of companies who […]

Marketing Your Marketing

Whether your an entrepreneur or a business who has never conducted a marketing campaign, your going to run into a problem. The only solution is marketing your marketing. Its a phrase I coined during my time at my university. The best way for me to explain what this means is by providing an example we […]

How SEO Builds Strategic Partnerships?

At the end of the day, Search Engine Optimization is meant to increase your rankings. To get there though you need a good site, great content, and links. What often happens though is that if you do SEO right, business relationships pop up. What I have found is that conducting search engine optimization has brought […]

Marketing Investments: A Neccessary Cost for Success

I just stepped out of a sales call and I got into an interesting quick conversation with one of the people at the office I was visiting. He mentioned his higher up’s and how it was frustrating to try and get more exposure for the software they had developed. It was the usual gripes. People want […]

User Generated Content And Community Make the Internet Awesome

Recently, I was going through YouTube and watching some old videos of the show, Inside the NBA. It’s your typical sports analyst show it revolves around discussing the NBA. If you are a fan of basketball, you probably know the show. It wins its fair share of Emmy’s in addition to just being a staple […]

Good Content is Like Having a Good Personality

Yesterday I participated in 2 Twitter chats. To be specific they were #viralchat and #mediachat. While in these chats, we discussed the topic of content and influencer outreach. A question came up about how important content was to building a following. I replied with the following tweet and got a pretty good response from the other […]

The Spirit of Innovation: Challenging What We Know About Marketing

Note: At the writing of this post it was the day before President Obama’s State of the Union Last night was President Obama’s final State of the Union address. I was able to catch some of the speech on YouTube, but because of some impending deadlines I had to jump off and get back to […]

The Relationship Between Marketing and Automation

Have you ever had one of those days where you sitting at your desk, completely lost in the thought of all the tasks you want to accomplish for the day? All you really think about is getting some work done. But, a friendly face walks by and asks you to get lunch with the others. […]

Call it a Resolution Or Don’t. It Doesn’t Matter

“A war is being fought right now and the good guys are losing. That war is the internet and we’re all equal players.” The internet provides all of us a safe haven for hopefuls and dreamers to finally act on achieving success that was otherwise un-accessible to people who wanted to make it big. So really, […]

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