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The Concept of Minimum Viable Product for Marketing

Minimum Viable Product

What’s great about marketing is that it’s the aspect of business where the brand can come alive. It allows you to step out of your logo and storefront and put out beautiful designs and graphics that make your brand start to feel tangible. Companies like Coca Cola, Google and Apple are great example of companies who […]

How to Release A Product

Everyone wants to hit a home run. For anyone who plays baseball, obviously home runs aren’t everything. There is a lot more to the game. You want a good bull pin, people who can get on base and a defense that doesn’t commit errors. There is a lot to winning a baseball game. For marketing, […]

What Music Artists Teach Us About Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a highly technical term that really is only used by the online marketing and blogging community. At its core, it  means you as an individual, or a business, writing or contributing on another entities marketing channels. A common example is a website specialist writing a post for a company that helps small […]

Be Different. Reap the Benefits, Accept the Consequences

Most people can agree that talent is not enough. Success and fame is built on many circumstances. Some people will cry luck, environment, chance and the popularity of the time. The amalgam of factors make many people just shrug and walk away. And its the same for many field including music, sports and business. Your […]

Marketing, Like Business, is About Who You Know

The deeper I get into marketing, the more I realize how little power a brand and marketer really has. The reason being that at the end of the day, you can have all the best graphics, product benefits and greatest advertising campaign. But if there is no one to receive it or to help spread […]

Social Media Is About Consistency Not Quantity

Last night I conducted a social media audit. The point of the audit was to better understand the current social media presence of a client that Ron and I recently signed. The new client’s major emphasis was Social Media. They wanted to be a part of the social media game, so naturally, I needed to […]

What is Content Marketing? And Why Should I Do It?

What is Content and Why is it Such a Big Deal? You ever heard the term, “Content is King”? Yeah I have too and just like you, I also hate hearing it. It is one of the most overused terms used in the business and marketing world right now. It is being used for the […]

Marketing Your Marketing

Whether your an entrepreneur or a business who has never conducted a marketing campaign, your going to run into a problem. The only solution is marketing your marketing. Its a phrase I coined during my time at my university. The best way for me to explain what this means is by providing an example we […]

SnoopaVision: April Fools from YouTube

Today is the day I hate. Where everything is a lie. Things I read on social media reach a level of absurdity that somehow makes you want to go back to the normal weird level of Facebook. On a day like this, where people are scheming to make jokes, your darn sure that some really […]

Why You Need to Follow DJ Khaled on Snapchat

We haven’t talked much about Snapchat at Ron Wave Design. However, for today’s post, we had to get into it. The reason is because of one man. His name is DJ Khaled. Yes, I’m talking about that one guy who was on all those songs from 2006 – 2010. You know the ones where he’s […]

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