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How do Keywords Impact Your Content Strategy?

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We have mentioned the importance of keywords before, but we still have to discuss the weight it adds to the balance. If we are going to dig deeper into this topic, we definitely need to address the very definition of content.

The content will always be in order when we talk about marketing strategies. And you will absolutely need words to communicate your message. In marketing, you ought to attract people’s attention, so you must phrase your sentences wisely.

What Are Keywords?

Keywords are the star of your content strategy and your copywriting. Everything revolves around them.

Your product or service exists within a niche that has specific jargon. These are specialized terms and names used by professionals, newbies, or common people. In our marketing world, keywords also refer to top searches and trends for your brand.

Let’s check an example: if we write about marketing, our primary keywords will be something like strategy, target, SEO, content optimization, etc.

What are Long-tail Keywords?

The keyword department is quite large. We have to deal with seed keywords, head keywords, short-tail keywords, and long-tail keywords. In this article, we want to address the latter.

We just mentioned that keywords are important words to describe and name your brand. But phrases and questions can be part of your keyword web, too. How so? Well, they are often related to your audience’s problems.

What do they need to know before buying? How can someone install your product, why do they need your services, etc.? The most used terms to accompany a search for your business.

How to Search for Keywords?

People usually get confused when trying to find keywords for their brand. What you need to know is that there are several tools to help you with this purpose, each and one of them with a set of desired characteristics.

WordStream – The Free Keyword Tool

WordStream is a great service to help your process. It’s free, and our favorite feature is that it offers CPC (cost per click) data and the basics, volume, competition, and search value.

All of these are statistics that you will need. You just have to enter a word on its website, and it will show you all of the data. You can also enter an URL or another webpage.

One thing you should know about WordStream is that it works with results from Google, which is a must, but you should keep that in mind in case another search engine ranks higher among your potential clients.


The big favorite. Semrush is a very reliable service and one of the most popular SEO tools. Because keywords, content marketing, and SEO always go together.

You can search for local or long-tail keywords, analyze competitors from one search engine to another, and check trends and volume. Their complete service does not come for free, but many marketing agencies and content creators think it’s worth it.

Semrush has been in the market for a long time, and it’s been at the top of it for quite a while too.

HubSpot Marketing Hub

Like all of the tools listed in this article, HubSpot has every basic instrument you may need in a marketing toolbox. With their service, you can search for seed keywords for your industry. You also get to narrow the search to local keywords.

Of course, volume, competition, trends, and ranks are included. The one aspect we really like about HubSpot product is that you can create a Topic Cluster just by typing a topic. This is a feature that can be super helpful and save a lot of time, especially when working on a pillar content strategy.

SE Ranking

SE Ranking is a tool for keyword research many people don’t know yet. We think it offers a complete service tailored to help your content strategy with keywords.

SE Ranking is great for checking the ranking of words in your industry among the most popular search engines. But we want to highlight its special features, such as:

  • In-depth website audit: this tool will not only check the efficiency of your page regarding rankings, but it will also suggest how to improve the faults in your site.
  • On-page SEO Checker: it can help you optimize the use of keywords on your page.


If you are looking for a technical solution to your SEO content strategy, DataForSEO might be what you are looking for.

It works with keyword ranking and volume for Google, and it also offers the option to customize its service to your needs.

An important part of its product is that you can have access to Amazon and Google Shopping data, which can be a game-changer if you are e-commerce.

You can try it for free or check its pricing to analyze what plan adjusts better to your needs.

Which Google Tool Is Used for Keyword Research?

Google has its own service for paid ads, which is called Google Ads, or as we used to call it, Google AdWords. We find this tool approachable and user-friendly.

Although it is not strictly designed for keyword or SEO research because it was conceived for ads, we still can squeeze a fair amount of features for this purpose. Such as:

  • Investigate keywords from your competitor’s website.
  • The Keyword Planner Tool will give you insights into the ranking of your keywords.
  • Vast data regarding current trends and even future trends.

Of course, the statistics you can get from this service are restrictive to Google, so keep that in mind. And although it s conceived as a paid tool, the data you get for free is still useful.

Not All Keywords Are Meant for SEO

While keywords are the core of search engine optimization (SEO), sometimes they are also part of a simpler plan of a content strategy designed just to identify your business and the jargon you want to employ when referring to your audience.

It’s important for you to be aware of this, so you don’t get the idea that you are executing an SEO strategy just because you or your team did keyword research.

Anyhow and once again: keywords are key in any content marketing plan.

What Should You Include in a Keyword Strategy?

First of all, let’s not lose from our sight of the prize that giving your customers a great solution or product represents. Whether your industry is, this should always be your goal.

That being said, the work of your marketing team is to lead your clients to you and design a clear strategy for them to recognize your service as a need.

This is: to help you and your clients get to an impeccable understanding. The way you communicate with each other is key—the format, platforms, and tone, all that is very important.

But the words and terms you use are decisive. As we have mentioned, keywords are the words that identify your niche, product, and industry. So they shall forever be a part of your content strategy.

What Is a Keyword Strategy?

If keywords are the terms you identify your product with, they can be used in two directions simultaneously.

Yes, they can conduct your audience to your site. And they can also help you redefine or refresh your image. How so? Well, by association. You need to focus on how you want your business to be perceived.

Then you will be able to set a tone for your discourse and your strategies, and by including the correct words, you will create a face for your business. The face you want to be recognized for.

This is what a content strategy with keywords is for. Not only for making your webpage rank higher on a search engine like Google but for making your clients aware that if what they need is healthcare for their pets, you are the very definition of it.

How Do I Know Which Words Are Key in My Business?

For this, you will have to analyze not only every aspect of your brand but every aspect of your business. What products do you offer, and who or what do they serve? What are the details and features that make you special? Where are your strengths and weaknesses?

Every single one of these points can be identified by a keyword or a long-tail keyword. Even more than just one will do it. You can then create a robust grid with them and proceed with a content strategy.

Listed in this article are many tools that can assist you in this endeavor.

Deep Knowledge of Your Customers Is a Must

This is a truth applicable to everything you intend to do in marketing. Your audience will give you clues and guidelines on how to approach them. You just need an expert eye to understand them.

By knowing your customers you also get to know their relationship with your product (which is essential, by the way), the level of need they have for it, and how to put your service in their hands.

But when your business is strongly dependent on the media or a website, you ought to know as well details like their search intent, their doubts, and how they call you. All of these will become part of your keyword strategy.

Use Tools and Experts as Leverage

In business, perpetually use leverage. There is not a single reason for you to turn down help, evolution, innovation, tips, or wisdom from experts. In every field, there will always be someone more experienced than you, who knows how to do things in a probably more effective way and who knows all of the tricks.

If you can count on tools like the ones we have listed or with the counsel of a marketing or SEO agency, we strongly recommend you use that leverage.

Riding the right opportunities is vital for your business, and more so if you happen to be a startup. Do not get too comfortable regarding your work.

How to Create an Effective Google SEO Content Strategy?

First things first: if Google is your goal, you are obliged to work with specific data from them.

And you should know, if you do not already, that Google is one of the search engines with the most ferocious competition in the market. Pretty much everyone is trying to get to the top of their first search page.

Since you are going to be competing for your rank, you may better want to lay hands on some strategies and technologies that can help you.

Your copywriting has to be impeccable, your web design efficient, your services well-explained, and last but not least, your content has to be highly valuable for your audience.

This means that you have to work on various fronts, a well-thought marketing strategy being the first. Second to knowing your customers comes knowing your competitors.

Search Business Group Is Here to Improve Your SEO

Creating a keyword content strategy is not an easy task. It requires a lot of knowledge and experience.

The best outcome for your business will come from the hand of experience. It is best to have your strategy designed and studied by a healthcare marketing agency, SEO-oriented, if possible.

Whether you want a clearer view of the field or you actually are in need of some experts to counsel your ideas, we would be happy to help.

If you have doubts, our team has the answers.

Picture of Ron Arellano
Ron Arellano
President of Search Business Group, Ron is a Healthcare Business Consultant, Digital Marketer, Award-Winning Senior Creative Director Who Loves UX/UI, Web, SEO, Data, and Animals.

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