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The Ultimate Veterinary Guide to SEO

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What is Veterinary SEO?

Veterinary SEO is the digital marketing discipline focusing on obtaining the most traffic possible from organic traffic on search engines. Veterinary Search Engine Optimization (SEO) focuses the marketing discipline specifically on veterinarian websites and driving more traffic to those sites. This is accomplished by implementing creative and technical strategies that will boost the ranking of a veterinary website on search engines.

The guide below has been created to help educate veterinarians like yourself to better understand SEO and how to implement the benefits in your clinic. Once you complete this guide, you will have all the tools you need to make sure that your clinic is optimized for SEO!

Why does my Veterinarian Website Need SEO?

Search engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!, are still the primary source of navigation for internet users. Though social media has risen quickly as a major source of navigation and traffic, many consumers to date use search engines to drive their internet behaviors.

These behaviors can be purchasing products, researching, looking up businesses, and many other activities. In terms of Veterinarians, the types of activities that are of most interest to them include:

  • Pet owners looking for a local veterinarian
  • Education and best practices for pet owners
  • Price and services check by interested consumers

The different uses of search engines are endless. Veterinarians need to make sure that when potential clients look up information about veterinarians they show up.

How does SEO get my clinic more patients?

The search engine optimization game for veterinarians is a real estate game. Search engine results is a battle for 10 spots. What we’re talking about is Google, Bing, and Yahoo! Results. Whenever you type in that search bar, search engines will spit out a list of 10 results.

For veterinarians, it’s a race to see who gets the top spots on the first page. Studies show that the first three results of Google receive over 50% of clicks. The remaining spots receive less than 7% of clicks each!

That’s why it is so important for clinics to ensure that they engage in SEO. If not, veterinary clinics risk losing a valuable traffic channel for their clinic.

Of course, there are many other variables like Ads, Maps, and other features. That conversation will be discussed further.

How Do I get started with SEO?

Due to SEO’s technical nature, many veterinarians shy away from the topic. Compound that with the typical veterinarian’s hectic schedule, it’s understandable why SEO is not prime late-night reading. Veterinary SEO isn’t that complicated, it’s just understanding the basics.

By going through this guide, you will be given all the necessary information to get started on optimizing your site’s SEO. Check our Veterinary SEO Pricing Guide for more details.

How should I use this guide?

We encourage you to bookmark this page. This page will be a great source of information when you need to refer back to certain topics or lessons. There’s quite some information so we’d probably suggest you split up the reading.

Picture of Ron Arellano
Ron Arellano
President of Search Business Group, Ron is a Healthcare Business Consultant, Digital Marketer, Award-Winning Senior Creative Director Who Loves UX/UI, Web, SEO, Data, and Animals.

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