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The Search Business Group Story

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How Ron Wave Design became Search Business Group

After two months of preparation, even more months of brainstorming sessions, and countless late nights, a new agency is born.

It started out at a local boba shop in Fullerton.

I, the boba cashier, was working part-time during my off hours from school to gain some experience and knowledge in the whole boba industry. Ronald Arellano was a regular customer. He always came in with his soccer uniforms, apparently, it was because his home country was playing at the time, and he usually ordered the same two drinks: coconut milk tea and a Thai tea. (Till this day, he still cannot stop drinking those thai teas! )

On a typical day, I rung his order up, smiling because he was a regular face on a rather mundane business day. As I slid his card through the reader, I read the words, small business owner, on his credit card. Of course, like any college business student, I had dreams and aspirations to one day have the same words on my own credit card. My father had started his own business and his father had as well, so naturally I had the bug in me too. The only problem was for some reason I had this nagging fear biting at me. The fear was like any other, a mixture of some nervousness, insecurities, and a sprinkle of inferiority. I was stuck between freelancing or going all in.

The thing about fear though, is that after a while you get tired of it and just decide to get it over with.

So I summoned up some courage and thought to myself, it might be a small step, but just asking the guy what his business is, it’ll help motivate me. So I asked him, “You own a small business?” and he said “Yeah I’m a graphic and web designer!”

I was ecstatic to hear this. I was a freelance marketing consultant working with small businesses in the Orange County Area.  Excitedly, I told him about my work and he replied in his trademark Ecuadorian slang “Really?! How funny, because today was not such a good day, I actually recently lost some clients because they needed marketing. So now I am looking for someone who can help me with marketing.”

Ron-Wave-Design-Team | Ron Arellano and Jason KhooFast forward a couple of months and now we have Ron Wave Design.

It has been our brainchild, combining exceptional designs, customer service, and contemporary marketing strategies. Through all the coffee shop meetings and dinners with Ron’s family, one thing has guided us the entire way: helping small business owners grow their brands. Marketing and design are integral parts of any business’s success and we are here to share it.

This isn’t some business to make some money, it is to make a connection with businesses everywhere. The launch is a huge milestone for both of our lives, one that has been both tough and soul-searching. Both of us have turned down jobs and other promises of security and salary, but this is something we believe in.

We hope that you will take some time and trust us two, we have put in so much time and really believe in what we are doing. So, cheers.

Cheers to beginnings and to the start of this journey.

Picture of Ron Arellano
Ron Arellano
President of Search Business Group, Ron is a Healthcare Business Consultant, Digital Marketer, Award-Winning Senior Creative Director Who Loves UX/UI, Web, SEO, Data, and Animals.

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