It doesn’t matter if you are a believer in blogs or not. Bottom line, blogs are an integral part of the internet world. Any success in online marketing usually centers around having a blog to share content and information. There is no getting around it. Thus, today we have our Top 5 Fullerton Blogs.
Ron took the lead on the research for this post and he can tell you, it was hard. For some reason, Fullerton has a lack of blogs. Thus we were unable to section off blogs into different categories, i.e food, travel, etc. No matter though, we have our compiled list of blogs today.
Rankings were decided on the usual, aesthetics, ease of use, and so on. However, Ron and I decided to tack on a little more because blogs don’t function the same as websites. The factors included were updates and interaction and following. These are pretty obvious additions because the success of a blog depends heavily on consistency and also the following behind it.
5. CSUF Pollack Library –
California State University’s library, Pollack Library, takes the fifth spot today. With a suprisingly consistent blog that constantly updates visitors on library upgrades, releases and hours, book worms and researchers everywhere can rejoice. Currently, updates are relegated to about 2 – 3 a month, which doesn’t seem like much, but in terms of businesses and academic institutions, this is amazing.
Most posts deal with announcement and updates on the library, specifically with revocations, due to a recent earthquake earlier this year. The occasional feature on student assistants or guest speakers will make an appearance. We would have liked to see more blog posts about possible book releases, research software and its impact for students, or just something book related. These are all just tips to increase the fun and appeal of the blog. Though a lack of user engagement is prevalent, Pollack Library still does a great job with one of the most important rules in blogging, consistency.
4. CSUF Center for Entrepreneurship –
Another entry from California State University, Fullerton. Normally, we would not allow for a second entry from the same organization/entity/business, but because of the sheer lack of blogs in Fullerton, we made an exception. The Center for Entrepreneurship’s blog is one that any aspiring entrepreneurs in Fullerton would love to follow. With consistent entries on competitions, success stories and incubators, it makes you feel that our city is on its way of building our own great start up community.
The blog has a pretty consistent schedule, publishing posts 2-3x a month. Every post though is filled with loads of information and usually has links to other resources. Some even include great videos of actual events or related presentations that can help visitors.
Visually, the blog is clean. Everything looks well put together and clean. Reading is easy and finding links isn’t a problem either. Again, another great blog that shows how awesome our city is.
3. FACT –
FACT stands for the Fullerton Association of Concerned Taxpayers. Did you really think this list wouldn’t include a political blog? Yeah, we didn’t either. This blog, though a simple design and layout, FACT is by no means basic. Posts are filled with updates and opinions about the latest happenings in the political realm of Fullerton. Barring any personal opinion, the reads are quite engaging and worth a read. Major facts are brought up and it is always interesting to see heated opinions and debate.
The blog has been run for what looks like 5 years, which is extremely impressive. The blog doesn’t try to be cute or pretty, it just is here to make a statement and inform. Social engagement and following were hard to gauge due to comments being turned off, however, Ron and I assumed that if comments were turned off, there must be a reason. That reason is negative comments and trolls. So in the end we didn’t penalize or award FACT.
Great blog that stays consistent, thorough, and uncompromising in its mission.
2. Fullerton Stories –
Scrolling through Fullerton Stories will make you feel as if your going through the New York Times or the LA Times. With a distinct feel that is reminiscent of these newspaper behemoths, Fullerton Stories offers a nice, clean visual. Just clicking in makes you get in the mood to get some good ol’ reading done. Unlike many other blogs, Fullerton Stories employs use of many images and videos. This is always great because who wants to just read anymore. The internet is so far ahead now, users like to watch and listen in addition to their reading.
In terms of consistency, Fullerton Stories is spotty. With great, engaging stories, readers can delight over local heroes and success stories. Most stories though will be published every other month, so don’t expect to make this blog your go to every week.
A great site/blog run by Davis Barber Production. We can’t wait to see other stories in the future!
And the Winner is…
1. Orange Juice Blog –
At the top spot we have another political entry. Orange Juice Blog is the model for any politically fueled blog. With edgy headlines and countless pieces published, you definitely get the feel that Orange Juice Blog has an opinion and they want to share it. Entries are thorough and are fueled by funny, controversial commentary. (Again, not saying I agree or disagree)
Just do a quick scan of the posts and you’ll see most posts contain comments where, you guessed it, the conversation and debates continue. If you dare enter this battlegrounds of opinions and strongly worded political retorts, make sure to bring your helmets!
The Orange Juice Blog has a dedicated team that takes their job seriously. I know this because of not only their consistency, but the sheer number of posts they continue to publish on a daily basis. Most blogs goals are to post once a week, but three times a week? Sheesh!
A great blog and a symbol of how others in Fullerton can create blogs just as popular, strong and interactive.
There you have it! Another week of the Top 5 campaign. We hope you enjoyed this week’s entry. If you think we may have forgotten a blog please let us know! As avid bloggers, Ron and I always love to find new, interesting blogs.