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Top 5 Fullerton Photography Websites

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Photography can make or break a website. Good photos keep users engaged, bad photos make users hit that back button like there was no tomorrow. Just as much as your friends and family scream at taking that 20th photo because SOMEONE wasn’t looking, photos are just as important on your site and not just on Facebook. Fullerton has its fair share of great photographers as well. Just look through Flickr or even the Cal State Fullerton website. You’ll see some great photos.

Thus we are devoting today’s post to recognizing Fullerton’s top 5 Photography websites. After finishing this post, I didn’t realize how many of these were wedding photographers. I think you can all join me in understanding why that would happen though. My sister just got married a couple of months ago and now I know first hand, those photos better be the best around!

This was a hard one, but me and Ron had some healthy debate which ultimately got us to our ranking. Enjoy!

5. Sharon Fullerton Photography –

Top 5 Fullerton Photography Websites - Sharon Fullerton
An eye catching site that boasts beautiful images all over its home page. From the first second you enter the site, you just want to start scrolling away. I’m serious, be prepared you can be scrolling for days! The black/grayish background puts more oomph in the photos, making them shine brighter. Overall, this site wants to accomplish one thing, to amaze you.

Beyond that, a page is available for interested parties to contact Sharon. Unlike the other sites on this list though, not much content and information is available right off the bat. But of course, if you go to the About Us page, you will find that Sharon is rebuilding her site.

Think about that, Sharon is doing a rebuild of a site, and the one that is currently live still made it to the top 5. Amazing stuff.

4. Reuben Castro –

Fullerton Top 5 Wedding Photographers - Reuben Castro
Coming in 4th place is Reuben Castro. With a home page that invites you to take a look at all these smiling, emotional moments, you immediately get sucked in. A forest-y background helps to set the mood, but most importantly, it’s not taking away from the beautiful photos placed in the center of the page.

Navigation is easy and all content/fonts are easy to read. No overloading, no desperate cries for your business. Just sharing some moments through photos. The “connect” or contact us page makes it really easy to input your information, in addition to getting an idea of the price packages Reuben charges.

A beautiful, simple site.

3. Jordan Kubat-

Fullerton Top 5 Photography Websites - Jordan Kubat

First let me start by saying, the favicon for this site is awesome. Initially, Jordan Kubat got into a 3-way tie for first place, so Ron and I really didn’t want to place this site at third. Jordan Kubat’s website is a site that uses a simple theme, but powerful images and fonts. Everything is about drawing your eye to beautiful, creative shots.

The use of fonts expertly re-creates the eye-catching qualities of the photos, back onto the fonts. Easy to read and bold, the site invites you to enjoy the images while also wanting to make you read through what Jordan has to say.

Overall, the site is simple yet powerful.

2. Studio EMP –

Top 5 Fullerton Photography Websites - Studio EMP
Studio EMP takes a really close second. The site is beautiful and thorough and when you go through the site, you just know that Studio EMP is ready and waiting to help with whatever you need. What really takes the cake with this site is the use of white space. Many sites use white just because it is a template and that is what everyone else does.

Studio EMP on the other hand uses white to enhance its site. The font color perfectly mixes with the white to create a calm, or how Studio EMP puts it, a “real, relaxed” feel. Most importantly, the white background accentuates the photos of Studio EMP. The studio has a distinct style and it is clear in all the images.

Look at the site on a screen big enough (maybe 13 inches and bigger) and you’ll see a proud seal of accomplishment. To be exact, Studio EMP was rated Best Wedding Photographer in Orange County by California Wedding Day.

And the winner is…

1. Candice Benjamin Photography –

Top 5 Fullerton Photography Websites - Candice Benjamin
Candice Benjamin’s site is my personal favorite. After initially getting into a 3-way tie between Studio EMP and Jordan Kubat, after further investigation, Candice’s site soon became the clear favorite. Note that she recently moved to Colorado, but because she notes that she still flies back for gigs, makes her still eligible for this list.

The home page is beautiful, with her photos included with the perfect fonts and colors. All the photos just come together and it seems like every photo is somehow related to the other. The galleries posted of the different weddings invite you to keep scrolling. It’s as if they tell you a story that you don’t want to end. Seriously, I’m a guy and I spent a little too many minutes going through the different images.

Once you yank and claw out of the gallery to finally get on with your life, you will see the contact us page. It offers an easy way to start initial talks while also providing initial quotes for the curious bride-to-be. The icing on this amazing website is the page “6 Things to do Before a Session”. The page just makes you feel like Candice is on your side and watching out for you. It is not some lame attempt at SEO, it’s just high-value content ensuring her client’s beauty.

One of the best sites I’ve seen and also I can’t stress it enough, go look at those galleries!

Today’s post was one that I really enjoyed especially because I was once a photographer. Okay, I’ll admit it I was a yearbook photographer for a couple of years in high school, but hey it’s something! Anyways, after finding myself lost in reverie and emotions of these great sites I finally am here, finishing this week’s post up.

Again, I hope you like what Ron and I put together today. Hope to see you again next week!

Picture of Ron Arellano
Ron Arellano
President of Search Business Group, Ron is a Healthcare Business Consultant, Digital Marketer, Award-Winning Senior Creative Director Who Loves UX/UI, Web, SEO, Data, and Animals.

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