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Website Speed Optimization Services Orange County

Looking For Ways to Make Your Website Faster?

Now days website speed matters. We are pretty sure you want to reduce the bounce rate.

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We’ve optimize the speed from over 55 sec to 2 sec



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Website Speed Optimization and Matters

There are countless marketing tactics and strategies out there but I’m sure your team doesn’t pay attention to website loading time. Did you know that every second delay in your website load time may result in a loss of 1% of your revenue? Don’t take our words – that’s what found in a recent study!

If your website loads slow, your visitors leave. In other words, you may lose every other visitor just because your site is slow. Remember every website visitor is an opportunity to engage and generate a sale. After all, who doesn’t want more traffic these days?

How does Website Speed Optimization turn Into Revenue For Your Business?

From a search engine optimization perspective, it is important to make navigation easy for web visitors users to find the information they need, user experience is very important. Website performance is a big part of user experience; it is frustrating for the user when they have to wait for pages to finish loading.

WordPress Speed Optimization leads to better conversions

Faster websites are more attractive to both users and search engine crawlers. Just think for a moment when you are looking to buy a specific product or service. You go straight to Google and in search results, you find exactly what you want, you click and it’s taking very long to load. Imaging this effect with your website, if you don’t take this seriously it really affects your conversions.

At this time users expect fast-loading websites. Website users want a page to load fast as possible to find their answer. If it doesn’t, many will leave your site.

Slow site speed can result in poor search engine rankings, lower overall site traffic, and negative user experiences.

Search Engines Prefer Fast Loading Websites

Google has stated that site speed matters to search rankings. Search engines want to deliver results that provide a great user experience for their users, so they prefer to rank fast-loading websites. If your competitor has a faster website, it could be the reason why they are ranking better on search results.

WordPress Website Speed Optimization For The Main Page

The main page is the home page, most of the time is the page with more visits organically. Many businesses care about the appearance of adding videos, and plugins to show sliders who use a ton of resources from your server forgetting about the loading speed. This approach can hurt your rankings and user experience. Remember Google cares about website loading time. It’s necessary to make an evaluation of your competitors and take as a priority your desktop and mobile loading speed.

Continue to Monitor and Improve Website Load Speed

Website Speed Optimization sounds like it’s not a one-time task, in reality, it involves constant monitoring so it’s highly recommended to work with an SEO Marketing Agency that understands the impact of image size, image optimization, image compression, file size, caching plugins, database optimization, server resources, hosting providers, static content, lazy load, third party plugins, and SEO Rankings.

Why? Because technology changes day by day and staying on top of technology is key. If you are a WordPress website owner a simple plugin update involves adding extra security, lines of codes, and new features and it involves in some cases slower content load. So reevaluating your website, the third-pary plugins, incompatible plugins, the static resources, external resources, cache plugins and even those beautiful image carousels.

How Can I Check My Website’s Page Speed?

We know you are curious about loading speed, so we here we share the most popular speed testing tools to find all the speed issues

PageSpeed Insight

Website Speed: PageSpeed Insight

PageSpeed Insights measures page load times across different browsers and mobile devices and offers recommendations for improvement.

A lab test measures the speed at which a web page loads; a field test measures the actual performance of a web page when Data from lab tests helps debug performance problems, because it’s collected under controlled conditions. It may not be able to capture real-world situations. Observing real people using products in the field is called field research. 


Website Speed Optimization Tool: GTMetrix

GTmetrix neatly summarizes your page performance based on key indicators of page load speed.

Your users’ experience in terms of navigating your site should be a great reason. Users have many options when it comes to consuming content on the internet, and a slow-performing website will frustrate your users, sending them elsewhere. A faster and more responsive website will keep them more engaged and focused on your content, rather than waiting for scripts and images to load.

Solarwinds Pingdom

Website Speed Tool: pingdom

Officially knows as Pingdom. With this tool, you can monitor your websites’ uptime, performance, and interactions for a better end-user-experience.

Metrics after our Website Speed Optimization

website speed services orange county

What other web services do you offer?

Technology evolve and also the web services are require to keep up with the latest trends in technology. So here is a list of another web services we offer:

WordPress Speed Optimization

It's not a mystery and it's proof that slower websites negatively affect your conversion rates and Google rankings.

WordPress Web Security

An insecure website can lead to Malware Infection, being Blacklisted by Google and in some cases rebuilt your website.

WordPress Downtime Support

Websites go down for all kinds of reasons. Plugins, databases, servers and so on. We are active in getting the website back up.

WordPress Plugins, Themes, and Software Updates

Automating plugin, theme, and core updates seems smart. But if there is a there’s a conflict? Your website will be down.

WordPress Daily Backups

Websites go down for all kinds of reasons. Plugins, databases, servers and so on. We are active in getting the website back up.

WordPress ADA Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires certain businesses to make accommodations for people with disabilities.

Web Migration

We know it can be difficult and we will develop a migration plan tailored to fully migrate your website from one server to another.

SEO Web Migration

Technical knowledge is not enough to make an SEO Migration. Let our team of SEO and Developers experts start with an SEO Audit

Industries we have served

With over 22 years of experience Search Business Group have the confident to work with your website. We have work almost with all of them.

  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Technology
  • Automotive
  • Catalog
  • Religious
  • Social
  • Education
  • Human Resources
  • Sports
  • Financial
  • Insurance
  • Consultation
  • Architectural
  • Food
  • Medical
  • Health
  • Travel
  • Matrimony
  • Art
  • Communication
  • Entertainment
  • Children
  • Environmental
  • Fashion
  • Spa
  • Craft
  • Music
  • Navigation
  • News

Not All the Web Design Agencies Are the Same

Frequent Questions About WordPress Speed Optimization Services

What is WordPress website optimization?

Website optimization refers to improving the performance of a web page for search engines such as Google. A Webmaster must know how to optimize a website for various search engine ranking factors, including keywords, meta tags, image alt text, internal linking structure, site speed, and other technical elements like plugins. There are several tools available that help with optimizing websites, including Screaming Frog SEO Spider and GTMetrix.

What are the top 3 things that slow a WordPress site down?

Slow-loading websites typically experience one of three issues: poor server configuration, outdated plugins, or insufficient bandwidth. If your website loads slowly, then it’s likely that these three factors are at play. The first thing to do when troubleshooting a slow website is to look for any plugins running in the background that may be eating up resources. Next, check out the server setup – has caching been disabled? Are all assets loaded from CDN (Content Delivery Network) providers? Does the server use too much memory? Finally, consider upgrading to a faster hosting plan.

What practices to follow for website speed optimization?

Website speed optimization means making changes to how your site works to load pages faster. There are several factors that affect the performance of websites: JavaScript code, images, mobile responsiveness, server response times, etc. The best way to optimize web page loading speeds is through testing. Try different combinations of HTML elements and CSS Files and properties until you find a combination that loads fast enough for your users.

What is Image Optimization?

Images optimization means altering the look of images for better appearance. The goal here is to optimize the image so that it loads faster, looks sharper, and provides a better viewing experience for users. This process is usually done by optimizing both the frontend and backend of an application. The front end includes all images and fonts used in the web pages while the backend refers to anything behind the scenes like database queries, caching, and other processes.

What is Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading means loading images when they’re needed, instead of waiting until the entire page loads. When loading images from external sources, such as Flickr, Google Images, or other sites, it is often easier to use lazy loading due to the high number of requests necessary for those pages. However, using lazy loaders may impact SEO since search engines penalize websites for excessively large image files.

Why Core Web Vitals are important for Google?

Google uses core web vitals such as pings, latency, uptime, DNS lookup rates, average connection speed, response times, number of connections, and page load speeds to measure how fast websites respond to users. These measurements help determine whether or not a website is accessible and performant enough to rank well in search results.

Start your website speed optimization now

You undoubtedly have a lot of questions about how to get started now that you know how important website speed is for business. Don’t let all of the technical dos and don’ts overwhelm you; instead, contact Search Business Group and let our specialists lead you!

Want to speak with an expert? Call us at


Through a variety of web services, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses. Our team of seasoned experts knows how to increase the speed of your website. Let us know if you’re ready to improve your website speed.

To get in touch with us for a no-obligation quote, call us at 714-519-6269 or fill out our quick online contact form. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Michelle from Fullerton, CA just book a Consultation with one of our Team members.

Joshua from Fullerton, CA just purchased a One-Time SEO Boost Special for his website.

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