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What is the total cost of a hosting package to start my web design project?

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When I decided to write this article I thought of those people who are not in the digital age, but for evolution reasons, they need to have web presence. Surely it has happened to them that they receive a business card without any link to visit a website, at least the owners of companies like me immediately ask themselves, how does this business operate? Will be real? Without doubt nowadays having a website is essential. That is why I have decided to clear up all those doubts and total costs when building a website.

I must clarify that the company mentioned here did not pay me. I do it simply by sharing my experience with those who are looking for technological stability.


Domain is nothing more than the name of your website. There are different types of extensions: com, org, online, co, me, club, and many more versions that come out year after year. But which one should I choose? The most common is .com, the average cost of hosting is $11.99


This word is scary at first, at least me when I was 18 years old. Happily from today you will understand what a server means. This is nothing more than a computer with functionality similar to that of an external hard drive that is connected to the internet. That’s it!

When someone visits your domain from a browser, the browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer) calls the server to display the information as images, content and data stored on that computer. There are servers for all the budgets but if you try to look for the cheapest one, you will sacrifice performance and customer service.

Hosting Services

The hosting company owe servers, they are responsible for the servers to work 365 days a year, this way your website works 365 days as well. In the event that a server does not work, they have an obligation to repair it since you pay a monthly fee for this service so your site is up and running immediately. These companies have employees in the areas of customer service, technicians and engineers waiting your call in case is there is an issue.

Type of Hosting

I have done more than 800 web pages in my professional career, I have worked with different web hosting companies and until this day I consider 1&1 the best company. There were moments I have worked on projects until 2:00 AM and I was in shock when they answer the phone at 2 am for technical support. Below are the most common hosting options:

Windows Web Hosting Microsoft

Web colleagues say: “The problem of Microsoft is the security”. I’m almost sure they have improved their security issues. I personally work before, and I have not find an issue. But my preference will be Linux.

Basic Windows Unlimited Plus Windows Unlimited Pro Windows
Unlimited sites Unlimited sites Unlimited sites
2 GB Email Storage Unlimited Email Storage Unlimited Email Storage
Unlimited Emails Unlimited Emails Unlimited Emails
$7.99 per month $9.99 per month $14.99 per month

Linux Web Hosting

This always has been my favorite, it works very well. I never had any problems with this.[/vc_column_text][mk_table]

Basic Unlimited Plus Unlimited Pro
1 site Unlimited sites Unlimited sites
Slow Fast Faster
$7.99 per month $9.99 per month $14.99 per month

WordPress Hosting

Most websites are now made in WordPress. This Linux hosting in particular is like having a smart mobile. You look for the application and install it from the control panel.

1&1 Managed WP 1&1 Managed Plus 1&1 Managed Unlimited
1 website 5 websites Unlimited websites
50 GB SSD Storage 250 GB SSD Storage Unlimited Storage
Fast Fast Fast
$7.99 per month $9.99 per month $14.99 per month

What type of hosting is ideal for my project?

The ones I normally suggest are the following:

  • Linux Web Hosting, Unlimited Plus for $ 9.99 per month
  • WordPress Hosting 1 & 1 Managed Plus – $ 9.99 per month

In this services I do not recommend try to find a cheaper option, we are talking about your business, your 24/7 salesman, you will hate if the site is not there if a visitor come. You will get mad with the hosting company, but then you have to ask your self. What hosting company did I choose?

What is the difference between Linux Web Hosting and 1 & 1 Managed Plus?

The difference is only in the form of the installation of the applications to build the website. In Linux Web Hosting you must do everything manual, that is, create a database, download the application to your computer, then upload it, connect it to your database, and install. Unlike the 1 & 1 Managed Plus you enter the control panel, choose the application and press install and wait.

What is the SSL Certificate?

The most recent updates of search engines, especially Google, mention that they give preference to websites that have the SSL certificate. This certificate is the only way to prove legally that your company or business is legitimate. In some cases the company that gives you the certificate asks you to send a document that proves that you are the owner of the company and that the company is legally registered. It is very easy to realize, if you visit any web page, you will see sites that start with http: // and sites that start with https: // and on the left side of the search bar you will see a green color with a padlock or the word “safe”

Do I need an SSL Certificate for my website?

My recommendation will always be that yes, SSL certificates have an extra cost but 1 & 1 offers 1 free, since it includes in the cost. Acquiring another certificate would cost you $ 29.99 per year.


Setup Cost
1 domain $11.99 per year
Hosting $119.88 per year
SSL Certificate $0.00
Total Setup Cost $131.87

When becomes to hosting choose a good package, I will suggest 1and1 for cost and service. If you find something better and cheaper it’s at you own risk.

Picture of Ron Arellano
Ron Arellano
President of Search Business Group, Ron is a Healthcare Business Consultant, Digital Marketer, Award-Winning Senior Creative Director Who Loves UX/UI, Web, SEO, Data, and Animals.

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